Tweat Tweat Tweat
There is this gurl I have known for a really long time. Me and her have been trought thick and thin and yes we have had our fights once in a while. I would say that is what have maide us value our friendship more. Like any other teenage girls we have had been trough bad esperiences in life but even trough all our obsticles we have learned to keep on going. She is the type of friend that would laugh with you at things that no one laughs at. I really enjoy having her as a friend because she would be able to put me up when I am most faling. I wont see me life withought knowing that I could count on her an know she would be there.
Hi Olivia...... its nice how you wrote about your special friend. i like hoow you expressed your word to talk about tweet.
aye olivia i really liked this one... it reminds me of me and my friend...
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